

Auslan is the language of the Deaf community of Australia. This language is formed around the basis of mutually agreed signs and specific ways of ordering them to communicate with each other. Signed languages fulfil the same functions as spoken languages in meeting the communicative, cognitive and social needs of a group of people.

By learning Auslan students are presented with opportunities for engagement with the Deaf community, and insight into its rich cultural heritage within Australia and around the world. When learning Auslan, students develop an understanding and respect for others, an appreciation of diversity and an openness to different perspectives and experiences.

Auslan encourages students at Lalor Gardens Primary School to improve their capacity for visual-gestural communication, as well as gain an increased understanding and empathy of the inclusion and diversity within Australia.

During the weekly sessions students are engaged with creative activities that enables them to practise the basics of having conversation with their peers, ensuring they use the appropriate gestures and facial expressions. This engagement in learning a whole school Additional Language is fostered through activities such as performances, community days and daily routines.

Outdoor Education Program

Our Year 5/6 students participate in a fun-filled Outdoor Education Program. This three-day program gives them the opportunity to partake in a range of experiences including both outdoor and indoor group based activities.

The students spend one day at an Outdoor Education Camp competing in fun and challenging obstacles. They then return to school to partake in engaging activities that incorporate all forms of creativity such as art, sport and cooking. The Outdoor Education Program encourages student collaboration and positive communication, while allowing them to be challenged by outdoor obstacles which encourages problem solving skills and sportsmanship.

This experience is possible for our students as we have dedicated staff and enthusiastic parent helpers who support and attend these programs. We are extremely fortunate to have these programs in place as extra opportunities for students to learn to work as a team and enjoy the outdoor wonders.

Interschool Sport

As the School is a member of the Lalor District School Sports Association, Grade 5/6 students participate in Interschool Sport on Friday mornings during Terms 1, 2 and 4. Summer Sports played over Terms 1 and 4 include: Rounders, Bat Tennis, Softball and Cricket. Winter Sports played in Term 2 include: Volleyball, Australian Rules Football, Netball and Soccer.

Interschool Sport provides opportunities for students to develop their sporting skills through training and competitive experiences. It also helps connect students to the wider community and promote teamwork and good sportsmanship. Students enjoy participating in Interschool sport which encourages positivity, physical activity, leadership and a sense of belonging. Students not involved in Interschool Sport have a range of sporting activities during this time.

There are many other opportunities throughout the year for students to participate in sporting experiences such as the Athletics carnival, cross country, swimming carnival, milo cricket tournament and basketball round robin.