

School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support is a framework for promoting and explicitly teaching appropriate and positive behaviours. Teaching, modelling and reinforcing positive social behaviour is an important part of a student’s educational experience. It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of student competence and an open, responsive management system for all school community members. Teaching behavioural expectations and acknowledging students for meeting them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehaviour to occur before responding. 

Some Key Components of SWPBS are a Matrix of positively stated expectations. This Matrix represents the expected behaviours within our school, demonstrated by students, staff and the wider community. These expectations become our ‘rules’ and will be explicitly taught within the classroom.  

When students are seen demonstrating these expectations, students are acknowledged for their Positive Behaviours through our Whole School Reward System named Garden of Excellence 

Through our Garden of Excellence initiative, students are recognised individually for their positive behaviours. In addition, as a school community, we work collaboratively to build our ‘garden’ and reach our whole school goal.  


At Lalor Gardens Primary School, our motto of ‘Learn, Grow, Achieve; Together anything is possible’ underpins our work. We aim to develop our students as active learners, respectful, responsible, empathetic, resilient young people. As a school, we live by the following values statements  

Learning: We are learners 

Respect: We are respectful 

Responsibility: We are Responsible 

Empathy: We care for others and the environment 

Resilience: We are positive and we bounce back 

We promote Student Engagement and Wellbeing as a whole school approach through careful planning and targeted programs. At Lalor Gardens Primary School we have a: 

  • Restorative Justice Philosophy 
  • Positive Education and Trauma informed teaching approach (Berry Street Education Model
  • School Wide Behaviour Support System  
  • Utilise the Zones of Regulation 
  • Provide a calm, predictable environment 
  • Explicitly teach resiliency and social skills 
  • Extended range of lunchtime club options 
  • Promote student leadership and student voice 
  • Trained wellbeing staff on site to provide individual and small group work